How To Make Your Laptop Last Longer? 11 Easy Ways

When we are planning to buy a brand new laptop then we always think that we will use that laptop for a long term. Whether it would be for personal use, business purpose, gaming, school/college use, or anything else, spending hard-earned money on that is such a big deal for many of us.

There is no need to tell that we should take care of any gadget with care and utmost carefulness. Here, I want to tell you that laptops are not durable and also lifespan is shorter as compared to desktop computers.

But the most important aspect of a laptop is its portability and that desktop is not able to give you that. Because of its portability, we take it around with us for school/college, business meetings, etc., and this is why the dust and dirt get into it. So, it can directly affect the lifespan of your laptop and that’s why you need to take care of it to have a longer life of your laptop.

If you can’t care properly for your laptop then you need to be ready to change your laptop every few years. So, practically you will need to also think about whether are you able to afford to spend money to buy an expensive laptop in a few years. However, to away from this situation, I have some tips that maximize the lifespan of your laptop more than you have thought.

Actually, the lifespan of any laptop is around 5 years or even more if you have properly taken care of some important things about your laptop that I have mentioned in this article. So, without any further delay let’s get started.

How To Make Your Laptop Last Longer? 11 Easy Ways

1. Regularly Clean Your Laptop And Keep It Dust Free

Regularly Clean Your Laptop And Keep It Dust Free

To make your laptop last longer one thing that you need to do is keep your laptop dust free.

Without any doubt, dust is one of the common reasons for any laptop or gadget to reduce its lifespan year over year. When you are giving your laptop for service or for repair, the first thing they see after opening the panel is the dust inside your laptop.

If you do not clean your new laptop regularly then after a few months or years when you use your laptop, you may feel that the laptop is getting more hit than usual. So, the main reason behind the laptop getting heat is the dust that is accumulated around the fan blades and air blades.

It causes the fan unable to function properly and thus lots of pressure comes onto the system. Eventually, your laptop can’t able to provide you with the best performance that you expect from it.

Here are a few basic tips to keep your laptop clean and dust free.

  • The very first step is to make sure to use a laptop in dust-free surroundings.
  • Depending on how much dust is in your surroundings clean your laptop periodically from daily to in a week.
  • Use compressed air to clean the laptop from the inside out.

2. Prevent Your Laptop From Overheating

Prevent Your Laptop From Overheating

After the dust, overheating is another aspect that can make your laptop’s lifespan shorten than usual.

It doesn’t matter whether you buy a traditional laptop, gaming laptop, or 2 in 1 laptop it is bound to heat up if you are doing normal or heavy tasks for a long time. Also, as the year passes, the laptop starts to heat up more than usual.

So, to prevent this situation, try to avoid overworking on it or don’t use your laptop continuously for long hours and give a break. For instance, playing games on a regular laptop may definitely heat up that system because it doesn’t come with the powerful CPU, dedicated graphics card, and cooling system which gaming laptops have.

  • Don’t keep your laptop continuously on charging.
  • Keep your laptop on a hard surface for better ventilation.
  • Do not use your laptop where direct sunlight comes.
  • Do make sure that fans are working properly.
  • If your laptop is old and heating up quickly then use a laptop cooling pad.

3. Keep Your Laptop Battery Healthy & Protect From Excessive Drainage

Keep Your Laptop Battery Healthy & Protect From Excessive Drainage

Firstly, do not do anything on your laptop which directly affects your laptop’s battery life like don’t play heavy graphics games on a normal laptop.

As we all know laptop runs on a battery and it comes with a certain number of charging and discharging cycles. So, the life of your laptop’s battery is based on how many cycles you have used in how much time, and its performance will start to downgrade apparently.

Once your charging session is completed, the battery is at a higher temperature than normal and that’s why don’t keep your laptop continuously on charging. Apart from this, if your laptop lacks thermal cooling then there is a chance your laptop internals will get overheated and may also damage the battery due to overheating.

However, one more thing which kills battery life in a short span of time is using the laptop at low power like you are doing heavy multitasking when your laptop’s battery is less than 20%. Here are few ways which will help you to keep your laptop’s battery at its best.

  • Don’t overcharge your laptop once it’s fully charged.
  • Shut down your laptop once your work is done and don’t keep your laptop on standby mode.
  • Do not open the multiple browser tabs if not in use.

4. Use The Original Charging Adapter

Use The Original Charging Adapter

Make sure to use the original laptop charging adapter which comes along with your laptop when you buy a laptop. The charging adapter is also an important part of your laptop and its lifespan.

The reason is that a charging adapter does two important things like supplying the power to the laptop and charging the battery.

If in case the charging adapter wears out after a few years then buy an original adapter and don’t trap into a cheap option. Because the local adapter can charge the battery underpower or overpower which may damage your laptop’s battery. There is a chance that may your laptop get overheated than normal during charging through the local adapter and it will affect your laptop’s lifespan.

While the original adapter charges your laptop’s battery at a stable power supply that maintains the battery and laptop’s lifespan.

5. Don’t Use Your Laptop On Direct Sunlight

Don't Use Your Laptop On Direct Sunlight

Like dust, direct sunlight is also another reason for overheating your laptop. So, don’t use your laptop where direct sunlight comes on your laptop or avoid using your laptop at outdoor on a sunny day.

Might be many of you thinking why is this? So, what happens is when you use your laptop in direct sunlight, the laptop absorbs the heat and it starts to overheat than usual. Also, the cooling system won’t work properly when your laptop is heating due to direct sunlight exposure.

Make sure that don’t leave your laptop on your balcony or car dashboard where direct sunlight comes. Because the cooling system can’t able to handle that much heat and can’t cool it down properly. There is a chance may your laptop damage.

Here are some tips that you need to follow to make your laptop last longer.

  • Always use your laptop under shades or indoors.
  • If your laptop is hot then don’t cover it or keep it in your bag, give it time to cool down.

6. Don’t Use Your Laptop On Bed

Don't Use Your Laptop On Bed

Many people like to use a laptop on a bed but it is not advisable by tech professionals due to many reasons.

Also, many of you may have noticed that when you are using a laptop on a bed it gets overheated than using on a hard surface. The reason behind to do not using a laptop on a bed is that the mattresses and pillows are not good at absorbing heat and it increases the heat from thermal dissipation.

However, when you are using a laptop on the bed then the heat is trapped between the bed mattress or pillow and can’t go anywhere that’s why your laptop gets overheating and it may damage your laptop.

So, here I advise you to always use your laptop on a hard surface. Still, if you want to use your laptop on the bed then you need to do one thing, buy a bed table which you can easily find online. It is very comfortable to use a laptop on this table and also it keeps your laptop safe at the same time.

7. Handle Your Laptop With Good Care And Protect It From Drops And Bumps

Laptops or any kind of electronic gadget needs good taken care of. Because if your laptop drops and bumps it damages your laptop from the outside as well as from the inside. If your laptop is on and drops then there is a chance it may corrupt the hard drive and also damage the internals.

The display is a very delicate part of any laptop, so make sure that no pressure comes on it. If you travel with your laptop then always use a padded bag. Don’t put any kind of heavy thing on your laptop.

8. Use Your Laptop On Battery Saving Mode

I always use power-saving mode on my laptop and mobile. It doesn’t matter whether you have a Windows laptop or MacBook because both have that feature which you can turn on when needed. To use a  laptop for a longer time without charging here are a few tips that you need to follow.

  • Change Best Performance or Best Battery Life to Battery saving mode. It automatically dims the display brightness and turns off the apps and background services which are not in use and consumes more battery.
  • Unplug all the external devices from the USB ports which are not in use.
  • Don’t use sleep mode for a longer period of time because it is ok when you use it for a small break but not for a whole night. The reason behind this is that it can cause strain on your laptop’s internals and may damage that in a long run.
  • Don’t keep open multiple apps at a time when it’s not in use, as it improves the laptop’s performance and lifespan also.
  • Turn off Bluetooth and Wifi when there is no use.
  • In the daytime, there is no need for a keyboard’s backlight, so switch it off because it drains the battery.

9. Run Disk Cleanup Periodically

Run Disk Cleanup Periodically

It is a good practice to run Disk Cleanup periodically which is an inbuilt tool that comes in Windows laptops. It is very important to run this app to clear the files which are not needed.

Generally, we all install many software on our laptops and uninstall a few which is not in use but even after we uninstall them some file remain saved in the system. Hence, this Disk Cleanup tool helps to remove all that temporary files once it scan.

What this tool does is scan the entire system then it shows you the options such as temporary internet files, recycle bin, thumbnail, etc., along with how much memory it has taken. So, simply you need to choose the option to delete that file and clear up that space.

10. Install An Antivirus Software And Scan Periodically

Almost all brand new laptops are pre-installed with 1-year free Anti-virus software which helps to keep your laptop safe from harmful viruses. However, this anti-virus software scans your laptop and during the scanning, it will warn you and also help you to keep your laptop safe from potential malware and virus files.

Many times we all download the software and many more things from unknown sites which have malware or viruses. It is very harmful to our system that can damages the system also which we do not want in any case.

Hence, if you do not want to face this situation, first I suggest you don’t download anything from unwanted sites and also periodically scan your laptop which will keep your laptop on the safer side.

11. Regularly Check And Update Your Laptop

Regularly Check And Update Your Laptop

With system updates, you also need to update the software which you have installed on your laptop. So, the system and apps will run properly with each other without lag.

Sometimes, what happens is that your laptop’s camera, touchpad, or anything else doesn’t work properly and most probably it is a bug. So, this is why the operating system team releases new updates which fix these kinds of bugs.

Final Verdict

Finally, we are at the end of this article. Here I have tried to add the most important tips that will definitely help you to make your laptop life much longer. For these tips you don’t need to have any technical skills if you have recently bought a brand new laptop or have an old one, you just need to follow these tips.

If you have any tips or methods regarding making the laptop’s life longer which I have not covered here then share with me I will add that here in this article.

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